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Maria Ananiadou-Tzimopoulou
Emeritus Professor, School of Architecture, AUTh

Eleni Athanasiadou
Dr. Landscape Architect – Agriculturist
Laboratory Teaching Staff, School of Agriculture, AUTh
President, Panhellenic Association of Landscape Architects

Evangelia Athanasiou
Professor, School of Architecture, AUTh

Kleo Axarli
Emeritus Professor, School of Architecture, AUTh

Olga Bakirtzi
Dr. Agriculturist – Landscape Architect
Archaeological Service, Ministry of Culture and Sports

Themistoklis Chatzigiannopoulos
Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, AUTh

Stefanos Chatzilazarou
Assistant Professor, School of Agriculture, AUTh

Charis Christodoulou
Associate Professor, School of Architecture, AUTh

Dimitris Fragkos
Professor, School of Architecture, AUTh
Head of JPPS Landscape Architecture (MLA) AUTh

Pantazis Georgiou
Professor, School of Agriculture, AUTh

Athina Giannakou
Professor, School of Spatial Planning and Development, AUTh

Aikaterini Gkoltsiou
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Crop Science, AUA
President International Federation Landscape Architects Europe

Anestis Gouriotis
Assistant Professor, Department of Planning and Regional Development,
University of Thessaly

Maria Grigoriadou
Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, DUTh

Konstantina Kalara
Associate Professor, School of Architecture, AUTh

Apostolos Kalfopoulos
Associate Professor, School of Architecture, AUTh

Kiriaki Kalmpourtzi
Professor, School of Agriculture, AUTh

Nikos Kalogirou
Emeritus Professor, School of Architecture, AUTh

Aleksandros Kantartzis
Professor, Department of Agriculture, University of Ioannina

Panagiota Karamanea
Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Technical University of Crete

Garyfallia Katsavounidou
Assistant Professor, School of Spatial Planning and Development, AUTh

Dimitris Kontaxakis
Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, AUTh

Stefanos Koundouras
Professor, School of Agriculture, AUTh

Maria Lionatou
Dr. Agriculturist – Landscape Architect
Department of Metropolitan Planning of Thessaloniki, Ministry of Environment

Andreas Mamolos
Professor, School of Agriculture, AUTh

Kostas Manolidis
Professor, School of Architecture, University of Thessaly

Efpraxia – Aithra Maria
Professor, School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, TUC

Maria Marlanti
Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, NTUA

Anastasia Mavridou
Agriculturist-Landscape Architect AUTh,
Scientific Staff, JPPS Landscape Architecture, AUTh

Konstantinos Moraitis
Emeritus Professor, School of Architecture, NTUA

Panagiota Mouratidou
Dr. Architect-Landscape Architect, AUTh

Prodromos Nikiforidis

Alkmini Paka
Professor, School of Architecture, AUTh

Giorgos Panetsos
Professor, School of Architecture, University of Patra

Anastasia Papadopoulou
Dr, Architect- Landscape Architect AUTh,
Scientific Staff, JPPS Landscape Architecture AUTh

Maria Papafotiou
Professor, Faculty of Crop Science, AUA

Angeliki Paraskevopoulou
Associate Professor, Faculty of Crop Science, AUA

Maria Partalidou
Associate Professor, School of Agriculture, AUTh

Nikos Patsavos
Associate Professor, School of Architecture, University of Ioannina

Dimitris Polychronopoulos
Professor, School of Architecture, DUTh

Evangelia Polyzou
EDIP Department of Agriculture – Alexandria Campus, IHU

Alcestis Rodi
Associate Professor, School of Architecture, University of Patra

Anastasios Tellios
Professor, School of Architecture, AUTh

Theano Terkenli
Professor, Department of Geography, University of Aegean

Maria Tratsela
Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, AUTh

Ioannis Tsalikidis
Emeritus Professor, School of Agriculture, AUTh

Sotirios Tsiouris
Emeritus Professor, School of Agriculture, AUTh

Thekla Tsitsoni
Professor, School of Forestry and Natural Environment, AUTh

Kiriaki Tsoukala
Emeritus Professor, School of Architecture, AUTh

Julia Tzortzi
Associate Professor, DABC, Politecnico di Milano

Athina Vitopoulou
Associate Professor, School of Architecture, AUTh

Sarantis Zafeiropoulos
Emeritus Professor, School of Architecture, AUTh

Theocharis Zagas
Professor, School of Forestry and Natural Environment, AUTh

Despoina Zavraka
Assistant Professor, Department of Interior Architecture, IHU

Giorgos Zoidis
Emeritus Professor, School of Architecture, AUTh

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